Saturday, December 7, 2013

Tips for a Cute Pregnancy

Two posts in one week! Hasn't happened for a while, and probably won't happen much in the next 3-4 months, as I've got a top secret and time consuming project I'm trying to finish before baby comes. I can't wait to share it as soon as I can! But until then, it might be quiet over here.
Now, to kick off my pregnancy dressing series. Being pregnant for the first time is quite an adventure. Your shape is radically changing, you've got a whole wardrobe to scramble up, and (if you're like most folks) not a lot to spend on it. AND you're trying to re-figure out what looks good on you.
Four pregnancies in, I've learned a lot about what I like, built a basic wardrobe, and collected a whole file of cute pictures on my computer for inspiration! So, I'm going to share my thoughts (and pictures) in the hopes that is will be helpful to someone. Basically, I'm going to do the blog series I would love to find somewhere!

Without further ado: TIP #1 Use regular pieces that can grow a little.

These are not maternity clothes.  Neither is the top I'm wearing in this post, but the green sweater works for the first trimester because of it's baby doll styling. My shirt today has a loose and flow-y style, and it's fairly long. And the belt of the jacket can be tied above-bump (especially now before the baby gets very big). Anything loose, long or in a high waisted style is a good candidate for your early maternity wardrobe. By mixing regular clothes with maternity pieces, you give yourself a lot more possibilities.

This picture was made possible by the Bathroom Mirror.
One last little thought. You won't be a Cute Pregnant Lady if you're complaining. Whether it's those uncomfortable (or sometimes miserable) side effects, the goofy things your body is doing, or the fact that this little one didn't come on your timetable (or other, more serious circumstances), there is always something negative you could focus on. It's so easy to do!
If that's where you're at, let me remind you that each new life is a gift from God. And He didn't give this new life because He had the illusion that you would be a perfect mother. Or to overwhelm you. Or because He forgot what was happening in your life. He gave you this gift, so He could show Himself strong for you. So that you could learn more about His giving kind of love. To give you the opportunity to be involved in something truly significant.  He gave you this gift because He loves you.
Sometimes God withholds a gift we think would be good out of the same motivation - as in invitation to experience His love. But that's another topic for another day.
And to bring things around from the sublime back to the trivial, no accessory is more crucial to the Cute Pregnant Lady look than a happy, grateful smile. :-)

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