Thursday, May 15, 2014

I know I left you all with a promise to tell you about our Little Guy, and I will. But folks, writing is hard work. When you're writing about hard things, it's hard, hard work. I just haven't been up for that much hardness yet. But I'll get there. In the meantime, I'm feeling blog-ish, so here's something I've been enjoying: the bounty of the yard!

It's been cold and rainy, and when a break in the rain finally came, the kids and I ran outside and I grabbed a bunch of goodies to put on the table.

Phlox, columbine, chive blossoms, rhododendrons, wild honeysuckle, bridal wreath in bud, and some cute weeds.

I love having all this fresh beauty sitting on my table! Here are two others from over the past weeks.

Cardinal bush branches with the last of the daffodils - have to enjoy those spring flowers to the very end!

The kids kept me supplied with lilacs, so I had them beside my bed for at least a week! I think the smell of lilacs is my favorite . . . but then I haven't had lily of the valley in my yard for a while, so it's hard to say for sure. ;-)

Do you see how beautiful the flowers are, how perfectly designed, with everything they need? If this is how God cares for the flowers, which last such a short time, what kind of lavish love and attention to detail will go into His care for you? So take a lesson from what you see, and trust Him for what you need. - my paraphrase of Matthew 6:28&30

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gretchen!
    This is Hannah- we met thru ICHE few years ago :) i'm jw if u guys got new email address or something? i emailed u few times but never heard from u so i just want to check in!
    Hope all is well :) miss talking with u!
