Saturday, May 30, 2015

Iris: Posh and Pretty

Enough of wallpaper and drywall dust, time for something pretty. These were the next two varieties of iris to bloom, and the yellow and the warm purple looked lovely together!

The purple ones smell like root beer!

I also used succulents, those fun, spiky weeds, and some greenery from a bush I keep threatening to make Kyle cut down. It has no flowers, no fall color and worst of all, it's perfectly centered in the largest dining room window. A waste of good viewing space!

 Everything was from the yard (Succulents in my yard! I feel so trendy. ;-) And since it was from the yard, it's lasted quite a long time, since I keep replacing the iris when they "melt". I also added in some mock orange that Kyle brought me, so here's how it ended up looking after a while.

Please notice Stringbean's wildebeest preparing to charge in the corner. (Wildebeests are his current favorite.)

Even flower pictures need a little drama!

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