Saturday, January 23, 2016

One Shot: Natural Light

I came in while Baby was napping and found her little feet crossed . . .

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Discovery

In my second year of homeschooling, I've discovered something. I don't blog well during the school year. By the end of my work day (usually 9:00pm), I just don't want to do another thing that feels like work! And that's okay, because I'm not a blogger. Maybe someday I'll be a blogger, but for now, I've got other roles that take first place.

That said, I am hoping to post a little more. I finally got a new, really good camera, and my BFFF (That's best friend from forever, we met when we were six.) introduced me to a fun photo challenge to get me using my camera. So I'm going to try to use the prompts and do a photo a week. If it ends up being something I'm comfortable sharing in public, I'll put it up here.

So here is the one for this week. Can you guess the theme?


Yep, self-portrait. That was an easy one! And here's how I did it.

Someday I'll figure out my self timer setting. Or something.