Saturday, February 27, 2016

One Shot, and an FYI

Guess what Folks! I've joined the world of Facebook. :-) I'm going to keep up with the One Shot, but I think for simplicity I'll put it up there, so if you want to see that, and more daily things I'm up to, friend me (Kyle N Gretchen Phillips) & PM me that you're from the Blog.

Here's a shot for today: Apeture

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Monday, February 15, 2016

One Shot: Daily Scene

Sugar Muffin is enjoying her piano lessons! I need to make her a sticker practice chart. . .

Saturday, February 6, 2016

One Shot: A Treasure

I took a lot of photos this week, and this isn't one of them. I actually took it last summer, but I wanted to post it today because:
(A. I did the post processing this week.

(B. This gorgeous girl is my sister.

(C. She just had her birthday.

Happy Birthday Birdie!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Celebrating Love

Last year we started doing a little activity before Valentines Day, and we had so much fun with it, I think it might become a yearly tradition. (These pictures are from last year, thus the trim tape and not-yet-painted walls.)

I wanted to do something to teach the kids about God's definition of love, so I made a poster version of 1 Corinthians 13, and a bunch of hearts. For the month of February, whenever we notice someone else doing something loving (as defined below), we give them a heart to put on our little tree.

The kids LOVE hanging the hearts, so they get quite inspired! It's also a great way to praise them for good things they do, and get's them to acknowledge good in each other. Love can be shown in so many ways that, once you're on the lookout, it's not hard to find something to reward, even for the little ones.

If they start pointing out something good they did (yes, it happens) then I remind them they are supposed to look for something another person has done. But I try to be diligent to watch myself, so I can give out hearts and make sure everyone gets some.

It's a very fun way to celebrate Valentines Day, add some seasonal décor, and encourage lots of love in your home.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

One Shot: Natural Light

I came in while Baby was napping and found her little feet crossed . . .

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Discovery

In my second year of homeschooling, I've discovered something. I don't blog well during the school year. By the end of my work day (usually 9:00pm), I just don't want to do another thing that feels like work! And that's okay, because I'm not a blogger. Maybe someday I'll be a blogger, but for now, I've got other roles that take first place.

That said, I am hoping to post a little more. I finally got a new, really good camera, and my BFFF (That's best friend from forever, we met when we were six.) introduced me to a fun photo challenge to get me using my camera. So I'm going to try to use the prompts and do a photo a week. If it ends up being something I'm comfortable sharing in public, I'll put it up here.

So here is the one for this week. Can you guess the theme?


Yep, self-portrait. That was an easy one! And here's how I did it.

Someday I'll figure out my self timer setting. Or something.